

First circular, January 2015
The 2nd International Conference on Chinese Prosodic Grammar (ICCPG-2)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
7-8 November 2015

Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce that the 2nd International Conference on
Chinese Prosodic Grammar (ICCPG-2) will be held at The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, on 7-8 November 2015. The ICCPG-2 is organized
by the Research Center for Chinese Linguistics, the Department of
Chinese Language and Literature at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
and co-sponsored by the Yale-China Chinese Language Center, the Research
Center for Linguistic Science at Tianjin University and the Forum on
Chinese Poetic Culture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Prosodic Grammar is a new area of linguistics. It studies interactions
between prosody and other disciplines such as syntax, morphology,
stylistic register, poetic literature, etc.. Papers are invited on
substantial, original, and unpublished research in any aspects of
Chinese prosodic grammar, including, but not limited to, the following:

1) synchronic and diachronic studies on Chinese prosodic phonology;
2) synchronic and diachronic studies on Chinese prosodic morphology;
3) synchronic and diachronic studies on Chinese prosodic syntax;
4) synchronic and diachronic studies on Chinese prosodic stylistics;
5) synchronic and diachronic studies on Chinese prosodic literature.

Research can be either on Mandarin Chinese or Chinese dialects, prosodic
studies on languages of ethnic groups in China and comparisons on
Chinese and non-Chinese languages from prosodic perspectives are also

Abstracts can be submitted to the conference email (iccpg2@163.com)
enclosed with the author’s name, institution, research field, postal
address, email address and contact phone number. An author may submit at
most one single author or first author paper.
Abstracts should be written in English or in Chinese. Please use Times
New Roman for English and Song or SimSun font for Chinese (size 12 pt.).
Abstracts should be limited to one page in length (A4, including
examples and references), in both WORD and PDF format.
Every abstract will be reviewed anonymously by at least two peer
reviewers. Upon approval of papers, the conference committee will send
invitations via emails to would-be participants and guests on September
1, 2015.

June 30, 2015: Deadline for abstract submission
September 1, 2015: Notification of acceptance
November 7-8, 2015: Dates for conference

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Miss Jing Su
Email: iccpg2@163.com
Phone number: 00 852 6350 2023